Sempre que tem o Matsuri(festival do imigrante japonês) em Curitiba eu sempre peço o prato que se chama Katsudon que só tem no matsuri, mas agora eu achei um lugar pra comer um prato que é muito parecido, este aí de cima que na verdade não tem nome, você chega no Sushiyaki que tem em vários shoppings aqui de Curitiba e no cardápio tem uma parte que você monta seu prato, aí eu montei este que tem: Yakimeshi(arroz temperado e com verduras), Tonkatsu(lombo de porco empanado), Salada oriental(cenoura, pepino japonês e repolho) fica muito gostoso e não é caro, custa 14 reais!!até que enfim encontrei outro lugar pra comer isso porque é bommmm!!clique na imagem para ampliar
When Matsuri (festival of Japanese immigrant)happen in
Curitiba I always order the food called Katsudon
there is it only in matsuri, but now I found a place to eat
a food that is a lot alike, it's this from above that i
Curitiba I always order the food called Katsudon
there is it only in matsuri, but now I found a place to eat
a food that is a lot alike, it's this from above that i
don't know the name, go to a Sushiyaki which has in
various malls here in Curitiba and the menu has a
part that you mount your plate, then I did this one has:
Yakimeshi (seasoned rice and vegetables), Tonkatsu (pork
breaded ), Oriental Salad (carrot, cucumber
Japanese and cabbage) is very tasty and not expensive, costing
14 reais! I finally found another place to eat
because it is GOOOOOD! click to enlarge
various malls here in Curitiba and the menu has a
part that you mount your plate, then I did this one has:
Yakimeshi (seasoned rice and vegetables), Tonkatsu (pork
breaded ), Oriental Salad (carrot, cucumber
Japanese and cabbage) is very tasty and not expensive, costing
14 reais! I finally found another place to eat
because it is GOOOOOD! click to enlarge